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MSM Minutes

Master’s Swim Manitoba

Minutes of the Board Meeting

June 4th, 2013

Attendance: Greg Giesbrecht- Chair, Wenda Dickens, Rhonda Leger, Bob Groff, Ben Van Den Bosch, George Meldrum, Karen Goulding, Doug Robinson

Regrets: Lesley Clark, Richard Perron

  1. Approval of Agenda [Bob/Wenda, Carried]

  2. Approval of the minutes from March 20, 2013 meeting [Bob/Rhonda, Carried]

  3. Old Business - none

  4. New Business Arising

  5. Fee Change – There will be an increase in fees of $3.00/member to MSC through MSM in the fall of 2013.

  6. MSC AGM – Bob Groff – The constitution has been changed. All clubs have one vote. Two members are needed to qualify as a club. MSM will have one vote as well. MOTION: send a letter to MSC and appeal to them for representation from provinces west of Ontario.[Karen G., George/Carried]

  7. Swim Meet Dates for 2013-2014

  8. Pop Sidwell November 23/13

  9. Pentathlon January 24/14

  10. Provincials April 12-13/14 Possibly one day only.

  11. 1st Annual Bermuda International Swim Meet September 20-22/13.

  1. Revitalization of Swim Meets - It was suggested that we send out a survey to swimmers to find out what their wants and needs are. A swim meet coordinator or promoter could be assigned to build interest in master swimming meets.

  2. Winnipeg Masters – Viability of Sherbrook Pool? David Kerr not present.

  3. Leisure Guide - Deadline for entry is June 15th. Poor results in past. No decision was made.

  4. Vice President - Doug Robinson of MMAC has volunteered to fill the Vice President vacancy. Thank you, Doug!

  5. Next Meeting – Wednesday September 18th, 2013 at 7:00 pm Pembina Village Restaurant

  6. Adjournment 8:16 pm

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