MSM Minutes
Master’s Swim Manitoba
Minutes of the Board Meeting
September 18th, 2013
Attendance: Greg Giesbrecht- Chair, Wenda Dickens, Rhonda Leger, Bob Groff, Ben Van Den Bosch, George Meldrum, Doug Robinson, Sheila Saperstein, Mark Ahrens-Townsend
Regrets: Karen Goulding, Paul Boulding
Approval of Agenda [Doug/Mark, Carried]
Approval of the minutes from June 4th, 2013 meeting [Wenda/George, Carried]
Old Business:
Announcements: Doug Robinson is now the Vice President of MSM. Bob Groff has been appointed Director of MSC replacing the resigned past president.
Dates for upcoming swim meets:
Pop Sidwell – November 23rd, 2013 confirmed
Provincials – February 22nd, 2014 unconfirmed
Pentathlon – January 24th, 2014 unconfirmed
The above dates are unconfirmed due to possible changes with the format. The Provincials and Pentathlon may be combined and the Provincials Swim Meet may be one instead of two days long. The reasons for these changes are due to the low number of entries and the expense of running swim meets. Low numbers are not financially feasible. Mark and Sheila have agreed to explore different dates and plans for our next meeting.
New Business:
MSC – Bob Groff reports that there is a new constitution and that the AGM will be held in November. There has been suggestion that Triathlon Associations should join MSC.
MSM Survey – A draft was put together by Greg. It was determined that the survey should be delivered via club email in electronic format through “Survey Monkey”.
Thank you notes were received from the Winnipeg Foundation and the Cancer Care Manitoba Foundation for our donations.
Paul Boulding informed us of the existence of Aquatic Hall of Fame Artifacts that are currently in storage. These items could be displayed. More discussion is needed.
Next Meeting: November 6, 2013 at 7:00 pm Pembina Village Restaurant
Adjournment 8:15 pm